The brief was to refurbish a rather uninspiring showcase for the inventors of the photocopier. The concept I pitched was a radical re-think. I believed Xerox should talk about business needs, not photocopiers.
We designed a journey through a series of experiences that provoke conversation and over-turn expectations.
The new Innovation Centre feels like the home of a future-focussed brand. The inspired guests end their visit in a highly flexible area where the right environment and technology create an atmosphere of bespoke consultation. Prospective clients leave with their expectations confounded and with a desire to follow up with Xerox’s sales staff. A great result, with only a very few ‘grey boxes’ along the way.
Video by Xerox - Photos by George P. Johnson
This infrastructure allows us to change customer thinking...
Stuart Cranston
Xerox - Head of Global Briefing Centres
“When you get the comment: ‘I’ve changed my view of Xerox’, that gives you a good feeling.”